”First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi “
Author: rafa
Failure comes only after one gives up
Failure comes only after one gives up. If slim to none are the odds of
winning, they might be worth taking. For we can always get bigger –
bigger in ability; bigger in experience; bigger in wisdom; bigger in
“Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her. But once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game.”
Voltaire 1694-1778, Historian and Writer
Donors don’t give to institutions…
“Donors don’t give to institutions. They invest in ideas and people in whom they believe.”
–G.T. Smith
Trouble’s Gifts
Writer Richard Bach says, “Every problem has a gift for you in its
hands.” Will you open that gift and discover just what it is that your
adversity is giving you? For that very gift, which can only be
obtained by going through those difficult times, may turn out to be
valuable beyond belief.
Papi | Mami |
Rafa | Helen |
Cristy | Marcos |
Ani | José David |
Mickey | Dany |
Gracias por visitar nuestra Página. Somos una familia mitad mexicana (Papi) y mitad norteamericana (Mami) que actualmente nos encontramos repartidos en tres países: México, Estados Unidos y Alemania. Esta Página es un medio muy importante para que nos mantengamos unidos y en contacto, así como para que nuestros amigos compartan con nosotros las experiencias que estamos viviendo. Que Dios bendiga nuestras familias y nos ayude a compartir sus bendiciones con todos los que nos rodean.
Este sitio esta utiliza un popular sistema de manejo de contenido llamado “Mambo Open Source”. Esta buenisimo y es muy facil de usar.
Por lo pronto el portal todavia esta en construccion y hace falta hacer varias cosas como agregar contenido, cambiar el diseno, agregar fotos, etc.
Actualmente estoy trabajando en una extensa galeria de fotos la cual podran accesar desde el menu en donde dice “Pictures”. Hay cientos de fotos y como veran tengo que hacer cosas como convertirlas a menor resolucion y organizarlas para colocarlas en albumes. El sistema que estoy usando para poner la galeria se llama “akogallery”. Tambien esta muy bueno y se los recomiendo. Sin embargo le faltan varias cosas, como el poder cambiar el orden de las fotos y un mejor sistema para subir muchas imagenes automaticamente en vez de una por una.
Bueno, esten al tanto de la nueva pagina que pronto viene mas. Saludos a todos los fans de la Nieto Yosten family.
Welcome to Mambo Open Source
If you’ve read anything at all about portals, you’ll probably know at least three things: Portals are the most exciting way to do business, Portals can be really, I mean really, complicated and lastly Portals are absolutely, outrageously, often unaffordably expensive.
{mosimage}Mambo Open Source is set to change all that … Mambo Open Source is different from the normal models for portal software. For a start, it’s not complicated. Mambo has been developed for the masses. It’s licensed under the GNU/GPL license, easy to install and administer and reliable. Mambo doesn’t even require the user or administrator of the system to know HTML to operate it once it’s up and running.
Mambo features:
- Completely database driven site engins
- News, products or services sections fully editable and manageable
- Topics sections can be added to by contributing authors
- Fully customisable layouts including left, center and right menu boxes
- Browser upload of images to your own library for use anywhere in the site
- Dynamic Forum/Poll/Voting booth for on-the-spot results
- Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, MacOSX server, Solaris and AIX
Extensive Administration:
- Change order of objects including news, FAQs, articles etc.
- Random Newsflash generator
- Remote author submission module for News, Articles, FAQs and Links
- Object hierarchy – as many sections, departments, divisions and pages as you want
- Image library – store all your PNGs, PDFs, DOCs, XLSs, GIFs and JPEGs online for easy use
- Auto matic Path-Finder. Place a picture and let Mambo fix the link
- News feed manager. Choose from over 360 news feeds from around the world
- Archive manager. Put your old articles into cold storage rather than throw them out
- Email-a-friend and Print-format for every story and article
- In-line Text editor similar to Word Pad
- User editable look and feel
- Polls/Surveys – Now put a different one on each page
- Custom Page Modules. Download custom page modules to spice up your site
- Template Manager. Download templates and implement them in seconds
- Layout preview. See how it looks before going live
- Banner manager. Make money out of your site